pour in. pour into yourself. ‘’

2 min readOct 14, 2021

You are a source of wonderful things. Love yourself.

Regardless of the terrible things you’ve done or think may be wrong with you. Love yourself. Forgive yourself.

Like a badge of honour, wear it.

There is something about yourself you struggle with. Drives you crazy most times… However, I want you to make light of it. Accept it. Sit with it. Hug it. Forgive it. Love it.

Instead of thinking “I am Incapable,” think “I am an incredible human being with a huge capacity for… I am also...”

Forgive yourself.

For not being perfect. For breaking hearts. For not giving your all every time. For all the promises you broke. For not being consistent.

Forgive yourself. For every time you could have done something right but still chose wrongly.

Ask yourself honestly, “What can I forgive myself for?”

Sometimes it takes simply saying it aloud or writing it down to realize that you actually no longer need to bear the brunt of it.

Forgive instead of harbouring guilt & anger.

Be kind to yourself.

Do things that inspire you daily. Make a list. Write in your notepad, phone pad, chat to self anywhere — just make a list of things you can do every single day to make you feel good.

Keep adding to the list. Forgive yourself if you skip a couple and love yourself no matter how long or short the list is and how much you accomplish on it.

There’s no test or grade for this list. 😩

Maybe it’s getting an extra hour of sleep or staying up late and watching your favourite movie for the 2,000th time.

You’re a source of many many awesome and wonderful things. Accept It. There would be days you’ll need help remembering — come back to yourself. The love you give yourself is yours. You own it. It is your birthright.

Love Yourself.

Forgive Yourself.

Be Kind To Yourself.

Accept Yourself.

Whatever it takes. Just do it.

The rest will follow.

