New hair, who’s this?

2 min readOct 8, 2020
Credit: @ayoajetomobi IG | Twitter

All my hair has gone!! It’s been 2 months since I had it shaved off and let me just say…. I feel so liberated, confident and dare I say it… beautiful!

the beauty is different

A lot of people have asked me ‘why?’ So I’m going to tell you! If you are perplexed by my audacity and need enlightening or you think it’s amazing and would want to know about my decision — keep reading xx

A year and a half ago before I chopped my hair off, I transitioned and joined the natural hair gang. Let’s just say, it was an epic fail! I felt so conflicted. I wanted my hair to be long, straight and blow in the wind, but I also wanted it to be bouncy and thick and grow towards the blue sky. Unfortunately having both costs a lot of money, takes a lot of time and requires a lot of effort. With the ‘installation’ of weaves, investing in a wig collection, then the maintenance of natural hair you have to be dedicated. It’s the dedication, consistency and funds, I finally admitted to myself, I don’t have.

Every woman has their moments. Those days when you feel gorgeous, when you take 101 selfies, post on every social media platform and then wait to see how many likes and *lovestruck eyes* you receive….. Mine would come, say 2–3 working days in a quarter! With the help of Snapchat filter, gorgeousness comes once in 2 weeks.

I was reluctant at first. Scared too. I mean, how would I look after? Would I get lovestruck emojis after? Would men still approach me? Would I have to tie my head to work often? Importantly, would I feel beautiful? But ayyyy, after deep thought, I was like you know what — It is what it is! I have been wearing it short for a while now and I haven’t spent a second regretting my decision.

I ooze whole new confidence not to mention I look stunning. In these 2 months, I’ve been to the salon about 4 times lol. I always want it lower. It’s better lower. This represents an outward sign of my decision to be happy and content with myself, as I am. A declaration of my intention to focus my energy on the less superficial and more important things in this life. It is a form of expression and it makes me feel like I’m in control.

I want to feel pretty, everyone wants to feel good, but I also want to be liberated from feeling like I need to wake up beautiful every day.

I love my hair like this and you should love your hair in whichever way you choose to wear it. As long as it is truly your choice.

